Monday, May 2, 2022

Blog No.10: Robotic Automation

The documentary by Frontline entitled “In the Age of AI” describes how our world is being reshaped and reimagined by the technology of artificial intelligence. AI, artificial intelligence, is a part of all human life and most people are unaware of its reach. Kate Crawford, a well-known artificial-intelligence scholar who is interviewed for the documentary, states “It [Artifical Inelligence]  has pervaded so many elements of everyday life and in a way that in many cases is completely opaque to people”. Unlike other forms of technology, AI is not tangible but a concept that is constantly growing and learning. As AI develops and becomes smarter several risks emerge. The issue that is most pressing to the average person is the automation of jobs. A large number of labor jobs can be done by AI. As of now, AI can do about 70% of the task of the most common jobs, (retail sales, market analysis, hospitality, warehouse labor) without human intervention. The full capabilities of AI are still unknown but the future of robotic automation is already upon us.

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