Monday, May 2, 2022

Post No.11: EOT Response

The group with the most notable overall topic was the media sphere, specifically the slides on online influencers. Online influencers are a relatively new concept but they have a big impact on the younger generations and their perception of social media. In the presentation by Josie cancel culture is noted. Cancel culture is when an influence loses support and following after a controversy. This is most evident in the canceling of Shane Dawson for his racist video and his inappropriate comments towards children. Pew Research Center released a report entitled “Americans and ‘Cancel Culture’: Where Some See Calls for Accountability, Others See Censorship, Punishment”. The report gives data on Americans’ opinions on cancel culture, Conservative Republicans are less likely than other politically associated people to describe ‘cancel culture’ as actions are taken to hold others accountable. It is fascinating that even on the mundane issues that there is a Parisian divide. 

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Post No.11: EOT Response

The group with the most notable overall topic was the media sphere, specifically the slides on online influencers. Online influencers are a ...