Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Blog Post No.5: The Pro-War Agenda

    War is one of the few constants throughout human history. Humans have fought other humans since the first civilization was created. The first war took place in Mesopotamia in 2,700 B.C between the Sumer and Elam.  Since the beginning wars have been fought for the same reasons: territory, economic, political, or religious disputes. 

    As society advances, war as a result should become less frequent and less violent but this is not the case. Due to advancements in technology war is neither unfrequent nor civil. Hundreds of thousands of military personnel and civil’ lives are lost as a result of war. America dropped two atomic bombs on Japan that ended approximately 80,000 lives and thousands more later died after exposure to radiation.  If the United States was on the losing side of World War II, Former President Harry Truman would have been prosecuted for war crimes by the United Nations for his military choice to bomb civil cities instead of military territory or less populated areas. Even so, the American people showed little remorse and supported Former President Truman's decision to bomb civilian cities in Japan 

In mainstream American media, the pro-war narrative is pushed the most. When it comes to political parties historically Democrats lean antiwar while Republicans tend to lean pro-war but times have changed. As times change Democrats and Republicans have become less polarized on this specific issue and both parties have an increase in pro-war supporters. The media reflects this shift as it mainly covers the pro-war agenda. 

However, there are still sources of antiwar narratives in media that are just as accessible. The news people listen to and watch normally reflects their own personal beliefs. If a person is looking for an antiwar narrative there are mainstream media platforms that are available but can be harder to find. 

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