Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Blog Post No.3 : Promote and Protect The American Way

The most important value of the eight values of free expression is the protection of dissent and the promotion of tolerance. The most notable example of the protection of dissent and the promotion of tolerance is the Texas v. Johnson Supreme Court Case. Gregory Lee Johnson burned an American flag in protest of Reagan administration policies. This action violated Texas state law which made it a crime to desecrate the American Flag. The case was appealed eventually reaching the Supreme Court of the United States where the question “Is the desecration of an American flag, by burning or otherwise, a form of speech that is protected under the First Amendment?” is answered. The Supreme Court ruled that the burning of an American flag was formed of expression that is protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution. The court ruled in favor of Johnson due to the message behind his action. 

 In class, we discussed the difference between protected and unprotected speech. Actions, especially those that create public safety concerts or endangers other, are not considered protected. This idea of unprotected actions is most noted in the Supreme Court case Schenck v. the United States which creates the clear and present danger doctrine. Expressive actions or expressive conduct are actions that are protected under the First Amendment due to action conveying a message to others. Johnson burnt an American flag is a form of political protest which is expressive conduct and is protected.

 The Johnson v. Texas case is a great example of why the protection of dissent and the promotion of tolerance values of the eight values of free expression are so important. In relation to the protection of dissent. Johnson was protesting the Regan Administration policies which is exactly what the founder intended by stating the freedom of assembly and petition in the First Amendment. The anti-federalists wanted to ensure that the people are given certain liberties that could not be taken away. It was so significant to the founders the people had the protected right to express their grievances with the government they would not support the Constitution until this right was specifically stated. 

    In reference to the promotion of tolerance, many people did not support the idea of burning the United States flag no matter the reason. I personally do not have an issue burning the flag as a form of expressive conduct but others view the action as disrespectful to the military and those who have fought for our country. I am not against burning the flag for the same reason I believe the promotion of tolerance is such an important value,  society learns valuable lessons from it. Once a person is exposed to something they become either more tolerant of it or they learn why it is not proper. A good example of tolerance growing is lgtbq+ representation in media, as more people are exposed the more tolerant they become. 

Ultimately, These two values are at the core of Americans' patriotic duties. In today’s society, the only thing really people own is their beliefs and the ability to express said beliefs no matter how others feel. 

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