Monday, March 14, 2022

Blog Post No.1: News and Creditability

BBC News: BBC stands for The British Broadcasting Corporation. I trust BBC News when it reports on issues occurring in the United States of America. The news company is based in the UK so it has less bias compared to other news outlets based in America. It is important to me to consider the bias of a new outlet when considering its credibility. However, BBC does come with its flaws. When it comes to news in Europe I do not trust BBC compared to other sources. There is a level of bias when reporting European news due to the location.  

MSNBC: MSNBC (Microsoft/National Broadcasting Company) is most often watched by my family which makes it one of my most trusted news outlets. My family and I normally discuss the events reported on MSNBC together. The familiarity of MSNBC allows me to trust the news outlet more as it creates a sense of comfortability. I understand that MSNBC comes with a level of bias toward views of the left and the Democratic party which can affect its credibility. However, I believe by acknowledging the bias in the reporting I do view the news with a small level of caution specifically when the Republican party is discussed. MSNBC, in my opinion, is less biased compared to other left-leaning news outlets which is one of the reasons I prefer to get my news from it.  

GZERO Media: As a political science major I must stay up to date on global issues. One of my professors from the political science department recommended GZERO Media stay up to date on the Ukraine-Russia conflict. Quickly, it has become one of my favorite news outlets for global affairs. GZERO Media's goal is to create engaging content that is not too polarizing or political. There are several different forms of media used to report on the news; videos, articles, podcasts, graphics, and many more. My favorite section is “In 60 Seconds” which is a credible recap of important events from the day or major political events in one minute. 

 CNN News: CNN (Cable News Network) is an extremely left-leaning news outlet that reports on current events in the United States. It is important to acknowledge the extreme bias of the news outlet when viewing the information reported. It is evident by my other reasoning, I pick the credibility of a news source based on the level of bias I perceive. I enjoy watching CNN, despite the bias, as it aligns more with my political views and CNN. A great aspect of CNN is “CNN 10” which is a 10-minute weekly segment that reports on the news for the week with the target audience being students ages 12 to 18. As a student, I would watch these weekly segments in high and middle school and they would be very informative and interesting without being overly complex.        

Fox News: Fox News, in a sense, is the right-leaning counterpart to CNN. Fox also reports on current events in the United States with a bias towards the right and Republican parties. Fox News does not normally align with my political views and I do not particularly enjoy the newscasters on Fox so I tend to watch it less. However, I think it is important to understand any event from the perspective of both political parties.  

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